Wednesday, October 3, 2007

drumroll, please

on the bridge from the subway to the stadium on Sunday, there was a drummer from the MTA's bring-music-to-the-masses program. I'm sure he did some other tunes during the gig, but I heard only this while making my way to the gate.

not just a river in Egypt

I haven't seen a pitch since I left Shea Stadium on Sunday, didn't listen to, read, or watch any of the post-mortem on the the unceremonious end to the Mets season in the mainstream press or in the blogosphere, haven't read any analysis on which teams are likely to win what in the post-season. I needed a moment to mourn the end of a season to which I'd paid so much attention.

That moment is over now. I've been reading other blogs, and will probably start watching the playoffs this weekend. And I've got lots of posts swirling around in my head-- hopefully enough to carry me through to April.

Let's Go Cubs.