one of the things you see when you're a mere 30 feet from the on-deck circle is how close they all are to each other. on TV, it looks like the guys on deck are miles from the plate, but when you're right behind them, it's obvious that they can see quite a bit about how a pitcher's looking from that vantage point. they're right there.

in the bottom of the 9th (when I realized I had little time left to take pictures!), Ramon Castro watched Damion Easley at bat. you can tell that Castro is big on TV, but in real life, it's even more self-evident why his clubhouse nickname is Shrek.
Easley flew out to left field.

Shawn Green swings the bat on deck as Castro takes his turn at the plate.

Shawn Green always watches a pitch or two leaning on is bat that way in the on-deck circle. he also goes through a series of stretches in pretty much the same order every time, just like almost every other major league hitter.

Castro struck out, and Green took his place at the plate, but suffered the same fate. Ruben Gotay never got to bat in the 9th.
as you can see, we had great tickets to Thursday's day game against the Pirates. though I'll recount the very annoying loss in a traditional game day post, the seats afforded me the opportunity to take many more pictures than usual-- more, I think, than should go in one post!
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