Thursday, February 19, 2009

not the first time, nor the last

in posts over the last couple of weeks, I've both said that I've been affected by the end of Shea and that it hasn't really hit me yet that it's gone, and that it has hit me in some ways. Contradictions in terms, all of then, but still true.

I felt the end of Shea at the last game I went to at the stadium. I was aware the last time I went to the park that the next time I'd be there, she would no longer be standing. Saying Goodbye to Shea was something I acknowledged at the time; never the less, I am SURE that it will be a very, very strange experience the first time I go to Cifi Field, when Shea is merely a parking lot.

so, I contradict myself. I'm a human being; this is bound to happen any times in my life. I feel a lot about the end of Shea, but I think I'll feel excited to visit Citi once I get there. The two opposite feelings contradict; never the less, I'm sure I'll continue to feel this way until I wake my way to Citi Field. After that... well, that's another post.

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