Santana isn't playing in the World Baseball Classic (officially) because he's still rehabbing his knee and needs to be extra careful. I hope the latter is more an excuse than the truth, but I'm relieved that our ace pitcher won't be risking any of his season by playing in the Classic. Never the less, it does not instill confidence to hear that your star pitcher is still rehabbing a knee when he's already at training camp and the decision was made after a session on the mound.
I tore my meniscus, like Santana and had, what I suspect was the same surprisingly simple arthroscopic surgery.
Given that we are of similar ages, I suspect he had a similar recovery time. I was able to run a half marathon about 10 weeks after surgery, but I can't say I was fully better for a few months, plus I wasn't putting the same force the way Johan does, nor was I executing as precise an act. It was quite stiff and painful pre-surgery, and it is remarkable that he managed to throw a two-hitter on it. Actually, he had several incredible starts in a row.
Given that I'm sure his rehab (probably mostly flexibility and leg strengthening) has been better than mine is, my guess is that he's fine. The fact is that MLB teams don't want their players to play in the WBC, but I believe they are only allowed to hold them out due to injury. Santana could be feeling better than he ever felt - he still wouldn't be playing in this tournament (and it is a great thing, by the way. Just to make you jealous, I'm going to San Juan in March to watch. Some day the world of baseball will be bigger than the stupid collective bargaining agreement, and the WBC will be played at an appropriate time instead of as a spring training side show).
I like your analysis, Isaac. I know Santana was in and out of the hospital in a day, indicating that he probably did have the kind of scope you did, and having been at the park for that last performance on the bum knee, I feel comfortable saying that even if he's not 100%, Johan will pitch as though he is. We've all seen him do it.
And yes, I am insanely jealous that you're going to PR to see some of the games. Please, come back and let us know how it was after your trip!
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