Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Attendance Goals

this year, my goal is to go to every mid-week day game the Mets play at home. day games played during the workweek are my favorite times to be at Shea; there's an extra pleasure attached to being at the ballgame, having a hot dog and a beer while the rest of the world works. the ballpark is usually half empty, and those who are there tend to be dedicated fans. to the end of meeting this goal, I've already purchased tickets for the mid-week day games through the June LSAT... I've got to wait on my schedule for the summer before buying the rest.

my other goal (so obvious as to go with out saying, I'm sure) is to ask myself every night I'm free this summer, "are the Mets in town?" and if the answer is yes, to buy the cheapest tickets available and just show up.

I'll miss most of tonight's game while at seder, but I'm DVRing it so I can see anything fun that happens while we celebrate our freedom from bondage in Egypt.

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