Friday, April 13, 2007


I don't come from a fandom tradition that encourages the wearing of a lot of team merchandise. some of us wear more than others, but my dad has never worn more Mets merch than the shoelaces I gave him when I was 7 or so. I had a Mets hat that I wore for a while (and on my first two trips to Israel), but it seems to have been lost in my last move. since 2005, I've been wearing a Boston Red Sox World Series '04 Champions hat that M picked up for me when he went to Boston to take our cousin J to the Sox's opening day. I do love the consternation the hat brings to the Yankees fans in my life, but it's time to stick to my home team.

I mentioned earlier that I have been looking for a long sleeve shirt in Mets orange that wasn't specifically branded to the Mets, and wasn't having much luck finding such a shirt. I'm still out of luck on that score, but I've done one better. I'd decided before the season started that I wanted a Mets sweatshirt to wear to all of the early season games I planned to attend, and so I asked for one for Hanukkah. LHJ got me this sweatshirt, which I loved:

however, the smallest size this sweatshirt comes in-- a Men's medium-- was about three sizes too big for me. it had to go back.

yesterday, the 2007 Major League Baseball catalog arrived, and I noticed the above sweater-- which comes in women's sizes. I still think it wold be more fun if it were orange (like the Tigers version of this same item), but I'm excited to wear it to the next game I'm going to, on April 21st.

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