Saturday, April 7, 2007

A chill in Atlanta

Game 5: Mets 3, Braves 5
4-1 for the season

We had to lose sometime, and I was pretty sure after the first inning that this would be the game. I believe we've discovered the only drawback of having a team that's made up primarily of guys from warm climates; cold really messes with them. Many folks commented that it was colder today in Atlanta than they could remember it having been in October in the past, and the way that the players moved their gloves really showed how stiff they were.

It started out with a silly error from Delgado, and though we ended up with just two errors charged to the team, they were much sloppier in the field than "just" two errors would imply.

Not Good Things:
  1. The boys to the left of the field, Reyes and Wright, both had a bad day. Three of Smoltz's four strikeouts were on Wright's at-bats, and though he drew two walks, Reyes did not produce as he has in the last three games.
  2. The first and second Mets errors of the season happened before the 6th inning was out, and that typified a defense not performing well enough to back up Glavine, who does not rely on devastating speed or breaking balls to take down batters. Glavine gets batters to put the ball on the ground, and relies on the guys behind him to do their jobs as well as he's doing his job. See Game 1 for an object lesson on how this is supposed to go.
  3. I'm going to have to admit that V and M's daughter did not bring with her magical abilities to make the Mets win every game, but I'm still hanging on to my premonition that she's at least a good omen.
Good things:
  1. LoDuca had a nice homer, Delgado went 2 for 5 with a walk, and Green had three hits. All appearances to the contrary, Glavine had a good outing on the mound.
  2. Tim McCarver is the high tide that raises all boats in baseball broadcasting.
  3. I scored the game on loose leaf while watching it on TV. It was actually quite fun.
Onward. It would be nice to leave Atlanta ahead 2-1 in this year's head to head series against the Braves, and to see El Duque perform well again.

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