Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm trying to edit something for LHJ and catch up on recent game day posts while "watching" the game on ESPN Gameday and proctoring an LSAT. one thing's for sure-- it's hard to form extensive thoughts when one is obsessively clicking on a window to see if the Mets can come back from a bad first start by Chan Ho Park.

A friend has been posting her scorecards just by taking pictures of them, which is yet another way in which she's much smarter than I am-- I haven't been posting my scorecards, because I haven't been able to get to a scanner. I tried taking pictures of the one that's in my car, and it worked quite well-- I'll upload those pictures and others of scorecards when I get home. in the meantime, check out her scorecards-- or just check out her blog for proof that I have friendly feelings for at least some Yanks fans.

Update: the pictures of my scorecard from Opening Day at Shea are up! Thanks for the tip, F21Y!

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