Monday, May 28, 2007

flaw of sampling?

I've only been keeping track for three days, and already my trusty spreadsheet shows that the Yanks were twice as likely as the Mets to be the lead sports story in the local press in that time. while neither LHJ nor I are even remotely surprised by these numbers, I'm compelled to point out (as any good critic should) that the three days which surround Joe Torre being booed at Yankee Stadium for the first time ever aren't exactly a fair sample of what's headline-worthy in New York sports over an average three days. so, the watch continues into the long days of summer, but I am willing to take on anyone willing to bet that at the end of the season, the Mets will have more headline coverage than the Yanks in the New York sports press.

one could argue that the Yankees slide is a bigger story than the Mets rise, in absolute terms, but I would counter that this is only so because the media is so focused on the Yankees and their success in the Torre era. no matter what the year, there's some reason to think that what's going on with the Yanks is just a more headline-worthy story than whatever is going on with the Mets. it's not fact, it's attitude.

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