Saturday, May 19, 2007


David Wright introduced the Mets batting order on the FOX telecast on Saturday like this:
Jose Reyes, the most exciting player in the big leagues;
Endy 'The Catch' Chavez;
Carlos 'Mr. GQ' Beltran;
Carlos Delgado, the Puerto Rican Mr. T;
Yours Truly (Wright);
Shawn 'I miss my hair' Green;
Paul Lo Duca, our Eddie Munster;
Damion 'Hit Man' Easley;
and Tom Glavine, my favorite player when I was in grammar school.

Paulie did the same thing on the last FOX broadcast (with only slightly different nicknames-- and introducing David "I dig myself" Wright), but I can't find copy of it anywhere.

I'm sorry I missed the Yankee who must have done the same thing-- it's hard to picture him looking like he's having as much fun with his team as our David is.

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